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With so many things to enjoy throughout this wickedly handsome month of October, I do not know where to start.

As the leaves decompress from an energetic green into the vibrant reds that begin to satiate our yearning for autumn. Our earnings slide into subtle oranges, flame-worthy yellows, and finally into the warmest and crunchiest browns that flutter over the paths of me and my two dogs, Ali and Carter, and always fill the darkest and hard to reach corners of our lives.

It is, in fact, Storytellers, the scent of crunchy Apples and crisp Pears with my candle ORCHARD GALLOP that tickle my fancy. These refreshing scents dance rather nicely together this time of year, especially when they have been lead across the floor by a swig of Brandy, which is also in this scented candle.

I love the warmth and cleanliness of this scent and how it invigorates my spirit. It's perfect for the upcoming sweet October nights of frights and chilly spooktaculars.

In fact, I'm placing ORCHARD GALLOP on my windowsills (Don't worry. I'm pulling back the window dressings for fire safety.) and most especially, placing it inside my jack-o'-lantern.

Mmm. Yes. I think I will carve my pumpkin this midnight hour, with my two dogs by my side, and watch as ORCHARD GALLOP brings it to life with its magical flame. Let's do this together, Storyteller. Let's light ORCHARD GALLOP, set it nearby, and enjoy the intoxicating aroma of Brandy, juicy Pears and Apples as we carve our pumpkins.

With each cut and carving, my pumpkin comes into fruition. Mine is a he, and he is bright orange with curious striations fissuring several of his head.

Reaching for the knife, "let's put a smile on your face," I say, referencing Heath Ledger's powerful portrayal of the Joker in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.

Cut. Cut. Notch. Notch. Cuuuuurve and carved!

I strike the perfect match, light ORCHARD GALLOP, and set it inside the jack-o'-lantern. I didn't realize it at the moment, but that's when the magic began.

I stepped back and took a moment to appreciate my fairly decent artistic endeavor.

"What a beautiful smile you have, Jack!" I say out loud.

Carter and Ali bark in agreement.


I look back at the pumpkin and stare at it. Did I just see what I think I saw?


My eyes widen and Ali and Carter confirm that what I think I saw is in fact true when they stopped smiling.

Jack just winked at me, I thought to myself.

"Hi," he begins cautiously. His eyes look left then right. "What are we all staring at?"

My jaw drops.

"You are weirding me out." His brow furrows. "Do. You. Speak?"

Ali and Carter bark at his flippancy toward me.

"Whoa. Whoa," Jack says, his head jumps back a couple of inches on the countertop, as if motioning the pups to settle down. The candle flickers madly from every carving of his face. "I'm sorry, but you are gawking at me."

"Boys, it's all right." They stop barking. "I'm sorry," I start to say to the jack-o'-lantern. "I just..."

I put my hands on my temple. What am I doing apologizing to, to... Jack?

"I think you need to sit down," he says. "This countertop is fairly comfortable."

"I'll pass. Um, how is this possible? I mean, how are you alive?"

"I don't know what you're asking, but I need some air." He looks around, leaps off the counter, hops toward the front screen door, then pushes past it, leaving the rest to gape at him stupefied.

I blink several times then jog after him. "Where are you going?"

He stopped at the bottom step of my front porch then turned to look at me. "I'm getting air, but I think I need some parts like you all have. Hopping is giving me a headache. Where'd you get yours?"

"My what?"

"Your parts," he says, expressing his impatience with a robust exhale. "I don't know what those flesh sticks you have or what these hairy, barking things have to get around with are called."


"All right. Where do I obtain my own legs?" Jack rolled his eyes. He clearly didn't appreciate the animation coming from my face. He peered around me then hopped his way behind me.

Fearful, I searched the neighbors windows, certain the entire tree-lined block saw Jack and I talking. "Where are you going?" I hiss at him as quietly as I can.

"To the witch's house, of course."

At that moment, I begin to understand just how much I allow gestures to express my thoughts when he answers the questions I have.

"She, obviously, lives next door. I can smell her spells and tinctures from inside your house. She'll have the answers and parts, or rather, legs, I can get my, my..."

"Your hands on," I say, finishing his sentence for him.

"Fine. I'll order some hands, too, for my lantern."

"You have a head, not a lantern," I said, following his delicious apple and pear scent through a parting in the hedge.

"Oh, now you're talkative. Just my luck. Listen, the witch is all knowing, and she'll set me on my path."

"And what path is that?" I ask, sidestepping the container garden of herbs and wildflowers lining the witch's front entrance.

“I don’t know why all of you are tailing me," he states, giving Ali and Carter a curious frown, "but that’s for me to uncover.”

“This is ridiculous,” I mutter under my breath.

“I second that.” Jack clears his throat and looks up at the door, a fleck of peeling green paint pops off its surface.

Ali, Carter and I stand behind him, in silence.

“What are you waiting for?” I ask Jack.

“For you to knock on the door with that fancy hand of yours.”

“Oh! Sorry.”

I raise my hand, but the moment my fingers close in a fist the door burns bright gold.

Stay tune for Part II in the next storytelling blog post scheduled for the third Monday of the month. October, 18th. And order your very own ORCHARD GALLOP today. For the entire month of October 2023, it's 20% off. :D

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As Jack and I cross her threshold we say "sorry" and "apologies" in unison. “I’m Windy,” she says, closing the door until a nudge and a growl come into fruition. She reopens the door and Ali and Carte

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