Story of My Life Collection | Storyteller Candles
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Story of My Life Collection

From the moment the intense page-turner, Story of My Life: a novel, was released, I wanted to celebrate the character's passionate love stories. I created a title scent (Story of My Life), one for the main character, Garence Leitner (Walk in the Woods), the love of his life Sabina Mondragon (Paradise Kiss), and another love interest, Chalise Bonner (Orchard Gallop). Every story begins with a blank page and Storyteller Candles definitely has one, and that is why Blank Pages is my unscented candle.

Enhance your storytelling experience with a bookmark, and read the novel by the candle light of one of the collection's inspirational candles.

Storyteller Candles in elegant black on white background with a sleek black outline of a circle.

For every flame, you are the storyteller.

Handcrafted in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

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